Individual Training

The final date for applications for our Intensive Polarity Training is January 21st 2022. It must be completed by December 2022.


Our one to one training is second to none. As we work together you will find yourself absorbing skills by osmosis, receiving constant feedback on your progress and expanding your understanding of Polarity concepts, something that is just not possible in a group situation. This intensely personal journey of discovery and reconnection to universal life energies that underpin our universe is a truely transformational experience.


The training takes place over 30 days of concentrated interaction with tutors whose knowledge and experience in the field of Polarity Therapy as Energy Medicine is immense. Masterworks directors have over 60 years experience as International trainers and practitioners between them.

Ideally, the training should take place in 5 or 6 day blocks at a time that suits you where possible.

Your investment in this training is €6995 which includes 6 set books and 2 boxed sets of dvds covering over 100 bodywork sessions, Polarity theory, nutrition and exercise.

This training takes place in County Cork, Ireland and should be completed within a time frame not exceeding 18 months. Details of training content and nearby accommodation by request.

A light vegetarian lunch is provided each day.



Detailed Masterworks International Polarity Training Propsectus 2019 in pdf - click to download



When I think about all the people who have really touched me and made a difference in my life, they are those who have done so with their presence.Your deeply felt energetic presence was the power that healed me, put together the fragmented pieces and created balance and clarity from chaos.  Your genuine contact was what made me once again appreciate that which is fundamentally good and uplifting in the human spirit and inspired a greater appreciation for my life, and for the lives around me, it put me back in touch with the life energy that informs, heals and empowers  ....I was tremendously priviledged to have your knowledge and faith in Polarity passed on to me with so much attention and care ....I will always be thanking you.

Marie Clarie - Cyprus


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Phil Young

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Morag Campbell


Through one-on-one interactions, students learn to trust their instructors and are given a completely safe space to openly share. 

Instructors can gauge the student’s progress and mastery.

In a one-on-one relationship, teachers can get to know their student’s fully and keep track of their progress, gauging their successes and struggles and aiding their development. 



THE CONCEPT OF ENERGY - Polarity as the magnet of life. The involutionary and evolutionary cycles of energy. The three gunas; their significance and application within Polarity Therapy with particular reference to qualities of touch and verbal intervention. Polarity concepts of health physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and energetically. Full and detailed exploration of the energetic anatomy.

THE CHAKRA SYSTEM - caduceus and straight line currents. The umbilical spiral. The Oval fields and transition areas.

A NATURALISTIC VIEWPOINT - The Five Element theory and an exploration of each element being by name; Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. The Five Elements as a naturalistic viewpoint on creation. The role of astrology and the elements and the weaving of the body in utero. Body types related to the elements. The interaction and dependency of the elements upon one another. How the elements seek expression either externally or internally; outwardly through social interaction or if this channel is blocked then inwardly through disease symptoms.

POLARITY REFLEXOLOGY - Reflex maps of the whole body

THE NERVOUS SYSTEM - sympathetic and parasympathetic balancing. Central nervous system balancing and spinal work

THE STRUCTURE - A mode of working with the physical structure of the body using energy balancing that is a complete sub-system, relating to the earth element, within Polarity Therapy. The fundamental concepts of structural balancing.

ENERGY STRESS MODEL - A psychological view point of body structure, taking into account differences between standing and sitting postures and all related to the ability of the body-mind energy to adapt over time, emotional patterns, gender/personal identity and hemispherical brain dominance. Practical applications: Body reading of the oval fields from the side and the pelvic/spinal alignment from the back. How to utilise this understanding to improve the effectiveness of verbal communication work.

COMMUNICATION AND FACILITATION The aim of this area of practise is to facilitate and clarify with the client the patterns of their internal and external communication (the patterns of their thoughts, feelings, emotions and expression) in order that they can reorganise their life towards a higher level of wellness.

DIET AND NUTRITION - The role of diet in the healing process and the maintenance of health

EXERCISE - Exploration of the role of exercise in a client's return to wellness and its continuing maintenance. Polarity Yoga


'Our students have told us that what they really value about our training is the depth of knowledge that is shared and the willingness to have their questions answered and details expanded on. 

They also appreciate the grounded, practical approach that we take to the work and the personal changes that take place and make a real difference in their lives.