Mastery is not a function of genius or talent
But a function of time and intense focus



Imagine if you are able to

 Learn One on One with a Master Practitioner

Reap the benefits of 40 years clinical experience

Learn from International Trainers at the top of their game


Our Polarity Master Classes are the way to go


A master class is a unique opportunity  to work on any aspects of Polarity Therapy theory and practice with a master teacher and practitioner.

 Elect to enhance your understanding , increase skills or use the time together for client supervision and case review. 

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Advanced Technique Master Classes

Open to experienced therapists with an interest in the topics 

The Power of Rajas

New Rajas.jpgAn Exploration of Harmonic Technique

Oscillatory body movement is explored in depth to induce different frequencies of harmonic vibrations in order to influence centrifugal energy flows in the body.

Energy Psychology - Structure As Identity

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A unique type of body reading that relates the spinal segments with Polarity's oval fields and related emotional patterns to give insight into a person's identity in the world.

Osteopathic Functional Technique

A unique cohesive multi-layered approach that works in 3 knee-1406964_1920.jpgdimensions to restore ease and comfort in the client's body.

Holonomic Reflexology

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An Energy Based, Integrated Whole Body Approach that takes Reflexology to a whole new level

Holonomic Reflexology goes beyond the standard idea of foot and hand reflexes into the realm of a whole body of correspondences set up through sacred geometry, astrological influences and the doctrine of signatures, all sustained by energetic vibration.


Touching the Soul



A unique and profound Transpersonal bodywork approach that accesses the deepest levels of healing through the power of conscious touch